
All my Life

All my life I dreamed of being an artist but lacked the courage to pick up a brush. Then, about ten years ago I met my mentor who inspired me to put a hand to canvas. Even then I could not imagine it becoming more than a hobby but it turned into a passion which now consumes every hour of every day. I am blessed.

At this stage, I love doing portraits. I watch people. The challenge to capture their emotions on canvas is simply irresistible. When the image talks to me, draws me in, then I know it has been a success. Only then am I done. It is not always easy. Many times it proves to be impossible. Sometimes I need to let it go. And I do, let it go sometimes.

Although I prefer to work on my own ideas, I do accept commissions.

Many times enthusiasm takes over and I would almost compulsively, franticly attack a canvas. During times like these interruptions are most unwelcome. Strangely enough, I do not require silence. On the contrary, the louder the music the better. Other times inspiration is totally absent, but that is okay. I spend those days on admin and catching up on social media and doing a little marketing.

I grew up in a small coastal town near Cape Town, South Africa.  Sadly I don’t live there anymore.  My love for the sea will always be my number one inspiration.  Hopefully, I will be able to move back sometime in future. I am lucky in the sense that my canvas can travel with me where ever I go. 


Bethlehem, 9700
+27 82 576 4154

Open Hours

Monday - Friday: 10am – 5pm
Weekends: 10am – 9pm
Holidays: Closed
